MarksThe mark is a sign which is capable to distinguish the goods or the services of one person from the ones of the other persons, and may be presented in the State Registry of the marks, the way, which allows sharp and clear to reveal the subject of the protection, given to it by the registration.The mark is trademark, service mark, collective and certificate mark. Trademark is used for indication of the goods or services, produced or supplied on the market by the owner of the mark. Trademarks may be ownership of two or more persons and the management is performed with the consent of all the owners. The collective mark is ownership of the cooperative of producers, traders or persons offered services which is a legal person. It distinguish the goods or services of the members of the cooperative from the goods or the services of other persons. The collective mark is used according to the regulation accepted by the cooperative and presented in written form before the Patent Office during the submission of the application for registration. The certificate mark certifies the material, way of production, quality or other characteristics of the goods or services produced or supplied by persons, with the permission and under the control of the owner of the mark. The owner of the certificate mark may not use it for the indication of the produced goods or services by them. For the use of the certificate mark its owner has to accept regulation, which comprise indications for quality, material or other characteristics of the goods or services; measures for control which the owner of the mark performs and the sanctions used. The rules are prepared in written form and are presented before the Patent Office during the submission of the application for registration. The right upon the mark is obtained by its registration deemed from the date of the submission of the application. The registration takes effect for ten years term, deemed from the date of submission of the application and it may be prolonged unlimited number of times for next periods of ten years. |