
The inventions from all the scope of the techniques which are new, have an innovative step and are industrially applicable, are patentable.
Patent for invention is not granted for:
  • Discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods, results from artwork;
  • Plans, rules and methods for intellectual activity, for games or office activity and computer programs; presentation of information;

Patents for invention are not granted for inventions which commercial use violates the public order and good manners as well inventions which refer the following:
  • Methods for cloning people;
  • Methods for changing of the genetically identity of human embryo;
  • Use of the human embryo for industrial and commercial purposes;
  • Methods of modification of the genetically identity of animals if there is a danger to cause them suffering without it leading to substantial favor from the medical point of view for humans and animals;
  • Methods of treating of humans or animals by therapy or the surgical way as well methods for diagnostics of humans and animals;
  • Plant sorts and animal breeds;
  • Biological methods for producing of plants and animals.
The term of activity of the patent is 20 years from the date of submission of the application.
The patent has territorial activity.